Prof. Tony Richardson (PhD)

Contact – Mobile (Aus) (+61) 0400706542 (delete 0 for international calls)
Dr Tony Richardson (PhD) is an educational specialist with over 35 years of teaching and research experience. Tony is currently the Project Director for the Integration of Financial Literacy into Cambodian government schools. An initiative of the National Bank of Cambodia and the Cambodian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport. Funded through the Asian Development Bank.
He has worked for a number of years in Southeast Asia as education consultant and co-authored a number of peer reviewed journal articles on topics relating to; teachers, learners and pedagogy across several international landscapes, including Vietnam, Cambodia and Indonesia. He also co-authored a book on preservice teacher education and previously presented at a number of international conferences on education topics in Vietnam, Indonesia and China.
Tony is a guest reviewer for the Vietnamese Journal for Educational Sciences a journal publication for the Vietnamese National Institute of Educational Sciences.
His main research interests are Education 4.0, 21st century pedagogy and learning and Formative assessment. At present Tony is focusing on research addressing a possible 4th formative assessment type – Assessment to Learning (AtL).
Prof. Chun-Yen Chang, Ph.D. 
Dr. Chang is a science education scholar in Taiwan. Currently, he serves as National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) Chair Professor, Director of Science Education Center (NTNU), Professor of the Graduate Institute of Science Education and the Department of Earth Sciences (NTNU). Over the past few years, he has been a Visiting Professor at the Education University of Hong Kong and the Paris 8 University. His major research interests include science education, e-Learning, interdisciplinary science learning and science communication. Dr. Chang now is the Editor-in-Chief of three journals: (1) Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education; (2) European Journal of Mathematics and Science Education; (3) Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies. He is also on the Editorial Board of three journals: Studies in Science Education, Learning, Media & Technology, and Journal of Science Education and Technology. In 2019, CouldClassRoom (CCR) mobile system, which was developed by him and his research team, has been selected as an exemplar institution in the 2019 EDUCAUSE Horizon Report. For more information, see here.
Prof. Shirley O’Neill PhD
Interim Head of College for Indigenous Studies, Education and Research; previous Head of School of Linguistics, Adult & Specialist Education, and past Coordinator, Applied Linguistics Discipline Group in the Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts at the University of Southern Queensland. Dr Shirley O’Neill is renowned for her wealth of knowledge, multidisciplinary expertise, skills and leadership in tertiary education and schooling. She has worked in schools in Australia and the UK, and in statewide school review, curriculum and policy evaluation, and student assessment of performance in the Queensland State Government education system. In the university sector, she has led the development of and coordinated postgraduate and undergraduate programs and is passionate about the importance of collaboration and dialogue in addressing the challenge to be creative and innovative in being able to meet the rapidly changing needs of the education context.
Her major interests are in TESOL, teacher metacognition, dialogic pedagogy, AI, and formative assessment. She has extensive experience in research and evaluation, assessment and teaching/teacher professional development, and has worked in schools in Australia and the UK, and in school review, curriculum and policy development and evaluation, and large-scale student assessment. Her book Teaching English as a second language, is widely used in preservice teacher education in Australia and internationally. It responds to the needs of English language education from a global, cross-cultural and interdisciplinary perspective, taking into account interactive/multimedia technologies, and 'activist languages education' to build students' capacity through service learning and community engagement in superdiverse contexts.
E-mail:; Mobile: +61 (0)409264883;